< News Release

February 22, 2024

  • The four companies were the first to conduct real-world field testing in Spain that combines innovative hollow core fiber technology with high-capacity coherent DWDM transporte
  • Hollow core fibers are designed to guide light without a solid core material to transmit data faster and more efficiently than in conventional optical fibers
  • 这一突破标志着电信行业前所未有的里程碑, 与传统光纤相比,延迟减少了30%以上

电信和基础设施领域的领先公司, lyntia, Nokia, OFS | Furukawa Solutions and Digital Realty (Interxion) have successfully carried out a field trial in a real environment that marks an unprecedented milestone. The four companies joined forces to implement and demonstrate the potential of innovative hollow core fiber technology.

通过在一个空心核心内引导光线, 光的传播速度比传统的实心光纤快近46%, 导致更低的延迟传输. Furthermore, the reduced interaction between the optical signal and the fiber structure enables higher power to be transmitted.


在实际环境中实现该技术之前, pilot tests were carried out in a laboratory in Paris by optical network experts from Nokia Bell Labs. The initial results showed a significant reduction in latency by more than 30% and a considerable decrease in non-linear effects compared to traditional optical fiber.

巴黎的试点测试显示数据速率为800 Gb/s和1.2 Tb/s. The results show that hollow fibers have the potential to break through the non-linear Shannon capacity limit of solid-core fibers.

The recently completed field trial in Madrid confirms the feasibility and effectiveness of hollow core technology. 试验表明往返延迟减少了4.287μs over a 1.386km link; a latency reduction of more than 30% relative to conventional single-mode fiber. The capacity deployed during the field trial was 6x100Gbps on a single 600Gbps wavelength and 10x10Gbps on a single 100Gbps wavelength.

The most typical use case for this technology is to provide connectivity between offices or data centers where low latency is critical for business services. Future developments are expected to improve the attenuation ranges and optical capacity of hollow core links.

lyntia、诺基亚、OFS | Furukawa Solutions和Digital Realty的成功合作

These results and expected future improvements in the technology reinforce lyntia’s commitment to continue developing high-quality, 超低延迟网络基础设施. The company’s strategic location in the heart of Madrid served as the starting point from which a 1.4km link was deployed to a Digital Realty (Interxion) data center using innovative AccuCore® HCF fiber optic cable developed by OFS | Furukawa Solutions, the world’s leading provider of high-quality hollow core cable technologies for the telecommunications market.

In addition, Nokia, 因其在电信领域的先进技术而得到认可的公司, played a vital role in this alliance providing the transmission equipment and field and lab testing.

This successful field trial highlights the commitment to innovation in the world of fiber optics by lyntia, Nokia, OFS及Interxion(数码物业). 这四家公司计划继续将空芯光纤技术提升到一个新的水平, 为电讯业迈向更有效率和更创新的时代铺路.

“Innovations such as Hollow Core fiber contribute significantly to accelerate the digitization of the economy, 这一试点在马德里进行的事实将产生更大的影响,Javier Montemayor说, 马德里Digital Realty公司的运营总监.

用大卫·奈特的话来说, OFS | Furukawa Solutions产品线经理, “The recent trials completed in Paris and Madrid in collaboration with our technology partners demonstrate the unique optical advantages of hollow core transmission. OFS AccuCore® HCF solutions are proven and available now to support emerging applications where hollow core fibers unlock next-generation link performance.”

Eduardo Duato, CTIO of lyntia, highlighted, “This pilot is part of lyntia’s constant drive to innovate to increase the value we offer to our customers. 在我们的战略计划中, we seek out partners who share this drive and that make it possible for us to offer our customers the most cutting-edge technologies.” Rafael de Fermín, 诺基亚欧洲网络基础设施高级副总裁, said “Nokia is very pleased with the results of the hollow core fiber field trial in the heart of Madrid. 我们很高兴能与lyntia合作, OFS | Furukawa Solutions, 和Interxion在这方面的成就,为日益增长的网络需求做准备. 有了这项新技术, 操作人员将能够突破超相干性能的界限, 提供大规模的网络规模和服务范围, 同时帮助确保更可持续的增长.”

beat365登录lyntia Networks

lyntia Networks是电信批发市场领先的中立运营商, with more than 48,已部署的光纤达000公里, 通过光纤提供连接服务, 具有广泛的网络覆盖和高水平的毛细管. lyntia Networks还提供所有类型的连接服务:暗光纤, capacity, Internet, co-location, cloud connection, etc.

lyntia Networks的光纤网络连接 全国主要城市,服务超过3个,200 cities and towns. It also has connections to the main mooring points for underwater cables on the Iberian Peninsula. 

About Nokia

在诺基亚,我们创造技术,帮助世界团结一致. 作为B2B技术创新的领导者, 我们开创了有感觉的网络, think, 通过我们在移动设备上的工作, fixed, and cloud networks. 我们还通过知识产权和长期研究创造价值, 由屡获殊荣的诺基亚贝尔实验室领导.

Service providers, businesses, 世界各地的合作伙伴都依赖诺基亚提供安全的服务, reliable, 今天的可持续网络, 和我们一起创造未来的数字服务和应用.

beat365登录OFS | Furukawa Solutions

OFS | Furukawa Solutions是全球领先的设计公司, 光纤的制造商和供应商, fiber optic cable, connectivity, 光纤到用户(FTTx)和专门的光纤产品. We put our development and manufacturing resources to work creating solutions for applications in areas such as telecommunications, medicine, industrial networks, sensing, aerospace, defense and energy. OFS | Furukawa Solutions在安装方面具有无与伦比的领先地位, 连接和空心电缆解决方案.

总部设在诺克罗斯(亚特兰大附近),佐治亚州,美国. OFS | Furukawa Solutions is a global supplier with offices and factories in different countries around the world. OFS | Furukawa Solutions是Furukawa Electric Group的一部分, 价值数百万美元的光通信领导者.

Learn more about AccuCore HCF光纤电缆全球首个地面空芯光纤(HCF)电缆解决方案.

Please visit sqhd.lgmobilereg.com.

About Digital Realty

Digital Realty brings companies and data together by delivering the full spectrum of data center, 主机托管和互连解决方案. PlatformDIGITAL®, 公司的全球数据中心平台, provides customers with a secure data meeting place and a proven Pervasive Datacenter Architecture (PDx®) solution methodology for powering innovation and efficiently managing Data Gravity challenges. Digital Realty gives its customers access to the connected data communities that matter to them with a global data center footprint of 300+ facilities in 50+ metros across 25+ countries on six continents. 如欲了解更多有关数码物业的资料,请浏览 digitalrealty.com or follow us on LinkedInand X.

OFS | Furukawa Solutions公关联系人
Sherry Salyer
(770) 798 4210

OFS | Furukawa Solutions专业销售联系人
John Earnhardt
(860) 335 0881

OFS | Furukawa Solutions技术联系人
David Knight
(508) 347 8500

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